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Inbar Plaschkes


Inbar is a Bioinformatician at the Bioinformatics unit of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (previously also at the Bioinformatics Core Facility of the National Institute for Biotechnology at Ben-Gurion University). She was an Application developer of exome sequencing analysis tools at The GeneCards Suite Project at the Weizmann institute. In her current position she also teaches bioinformatics at the university and gives computational support to scientific teams. For the last 12 years Inbar is actively involved in the analysis of multiple Next Generation Sequencing projects originating from various platforms and from a wide range of scientific fields. Processing the raw data all the way until finding its biological relevance gives her a very thorough understanding of each new project she is involved in.  

הצהרה: המידע שמוצג באתר אינו מיועד בכדי לאפיין או לטפל במחלה או תסמונת. בשאלות על המחלה או התסמונת שלך יש לפנות לרופא המתעסק בתחום או ליועץ גנטי. 

עמותת נונסנס מיוטיישן (ע"ר)

חסידה 4, כפר סבא

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